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the Build Maestro


7+ years web development experience which includes the programming/ development of web applications.
-I have 8 years of release engineering experience in Mid size to enterprise environments. I have developed both desktop applications and web applications and participated in the entire SDLC.
-Sr. packager in Installshield with Installscript, vbscript and batch as well as C# DTF

Build / Release Engineer

8 years senior

Proficient in all activities of the Software Development Life-cycle:

  • Source Control Management 

  • Defect tracking

  • Configuration status accounting

  • Build management

  • Process management

  • Release To Manufacturing proceedures

DevOps / RE+

"Woah! Don't shoot, that's a loaded term" I'm Release Engineer plus I make use of open source projects and virtualization to facilitate my team delivering faster.

  • Understands and has practiced Lean and Agile

  • Strength in scripting Python, Bash

  • Virtualization (AWS, Docker etc)

  • Deploy to Production at scale

MSI Packager

Expert Installshield, InstallAnywhere

Sr. packager in Installshield with Installscript, vbscript and batch as well as C# DTF



Contracting also full time inc.


GE Digital

AWS Cost Savings

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DevOps member of "lean startup team" within enterprise. Coding CM tools, administer CI



Coding for Tooling deployments. Created a self service app for developers. Received glowing reviews from management.


GOOD Technology

Brought on as a Sr. Packager extending their software installer to support a variety of functions such as: customer db upgrades, supporting master/slave installations within the same subnet.


Seagull Scientific

Release Engineer and Software Packager. Achieved the impossible: Discovered a method of breaking out of the limited UI and attaching a Winforms process to Installshield executable using C# DTF code.

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I started this venture in 2016 and provide a range of services including web design, audio/video production and editing.

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To discuss the projects I have worked on, contact me today.


The early years; what brought me here




Macy’s Labs

takes the ideas of IdeaLab. Puts them into PRODUCTION.

Home: Skills

What are Lean Labs?

*Lean Lab: Image Search pictured

small empowered team who are focused on a particular theme, a particular hypothesis, and they are given autonomy. They are given empowerment to go and test what is best for our customers, to go and run multiple experiments, to test with our customers, come back with the results.


Lean Lab

*Lean Lab #1 pictured

In the CTO's words:
"One of the tools in our labs is what we call lean startups. In April 2014, we kicked off our first lean startup at Macy’s, and today we are running twenty-two lean startups. "

Working in "Lean Labs"

Below are some of the problems I was asked to solve while working in the DevOps role of 4 "Lean Labs" at Macys. 

"Nick, you own these environments. It's up to you to monitor them and FAST!  The duration of this lab is only 3 weeks."


I wrote this script in python that I named "heartbeats". Performs a variety of health checks as simple as ping, to validating a json api response and even ensuring an sftp login works.

"Nick, the federated cloud environment that the Release Engineering deptartment provisioned for us expired. This keeps happening and we have no control because RE owns these environments".


Researched and discovered metadata for Time To Live in days before these environments are destroyed (which would cause considerable delay for my team).   Wrote a python script to periodically check this value and provide an alert when expiration was near.

"Nick, some of the code our team's developers check into a legacy monolithic code base along with the rest of the enterprise. Sometimes their code is delayed in CI due to a build error and we are not alerted. Can you keep an eye on their specific build jobs and personally ensure their code is merged to master?"


Researched some endpoints in gerrit and discovered I could use the employees ID number or Name and query each of the git repos to be alerted of their checkins.

"Nick, for our federated cloud environments owned by the RE team, can you deploy the artifacts in the evening after all our team's developers have checked in their code for the day so that the environments are ready in the morning for showcase in our morning standup meetings?"


The RE team provides a multi-page web portal as a front end for uDeploy and would not share access. I worked with one of their RE contacts and he enabled an API for deployments and here is a pyhon script I used with a json payload to start a deployment in their environments.

"Nick, is there a way you can notify us in Skype when X is complete?"


python messaging wrapper can be called from any of my script to send messages to the team's chatroom.

"Nick, we need you to trigger a jenkins build at a certain time each night. We don't have administration rights on this jenkins job."


Without administrator access to the jenkins job we are unable to use the 'build periodically' cron format job scheduling.  Scheduled a this python script as a scheduled cron job to kick off a particular jenkins build.

"Nick, sometimes after a certain deployment the version is not updated. Is there a way you can validate the deployment was successful before notifying QA the build is ready for testing"


python script that uses credentials in the http headers and returns the artifact details.

code in action

I've worked on many teams making use of agile and scrum. Here's a video capture from a showcase meeting while I worked at Turnitin. To showcase some work I had completed in our 2 week sprint. bootstrap script for docker configured for our work environment.  bootstrap script for Capistrano scripts to for openstack.   I would later go on to use docker compose to container my teams application.


Every morning I look in the mirror and remind myself, “Life’s not a competition, loser.”

Contact Me

San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA

(650) 549-5075

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