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Recruiters quizzing before submitting

I'm a little stunned. Most recruiters just want to hear a verbal that you perform a skill and try to get the highest compensation so they get a percentage. This recruiter asked a bunch of questions! Can you imagine if they all did this? Most of the time I find dealing with recruiters (3rd party) is a waste of everyone's time. Howver, I'm on the job market, so I'm open to all opportunities.

Here's that test and how I answered. took about 10 mins:

Name ___Nick Skitch__________

Virtualization & Systems Administration

⦁ Explain in your own words what is a virtual machine. software emulation of bare metal hardware that supports an operating system. can be easily provisioned and decomishoned at anytime to save on ROI

1. I need to increase the amount of disk space on the /home partition on my Linux virtual machine. What high level steps need to be taken? need to repartition with something like gpartion, some vm managers have this functionality built in to dynamically size a drive. You could also edit the /etc/passwd file to change where the user's home dir is to another drive

1. You currently have a jenkins build farm of 10 CentOS-based build VMs running on an ESX host. You are now being asked to triple this to 30 build slave VMs. What high level steps would you take to satisfy this request?

clone the vm machines, change their IP if they conflict. In jenkins, manage nodes to add new build slaves. add relevent ssh keys. (should already be existing user for jenkins if it was cloned from previously working vm) 1. You have an IP address with netmask What is the network address, the broadcast address, and the most probable default gateway IP? Also, how many addresses can you have in this subnet? 254. network address: broadcast address: probably gate way ip subnet provided suggests is gateway ip

1. There is a router with IP address This router knows how to reach the network. Your machine has IP address (subnet mask and gateway set to You're trying to reach a machine that has IP Would your ping succeed? Why or why not?

strange .0 network only works in newer CIDR. no, gateway needs to be set to router IP

1. You use the "make" command on your Linux build VM to build your product. All of the files needed to build are on your locally mounted filesystem. The build seems to be running much slower than usual. Name 3 things that you would investigate.

is vm shared resources, I would check the hypervisor or vitrualbox/vmware UI to read the stats there. in the vm use `top` or iostat to see if the process is consuming cpu, but not pegged which could me endless loop. look at the build output to see which step the build is stuck on, sometimes new assets that are newer can slow the build down.

1. Your make command on your Linux build VM seems to be hung. How would you determine what processes are running to identify a possible cause?

1. After successfully compiling your C++ application, you start it up. How do you determine what files it is currently using at runtime?

sysinternals process explorer will show which dlls are loading

1. I need to show the disk space for /home on all of the 100 Linux build VMs in my build farm. How would you do this? Is it possible to do in one command?

a few ways Zabbix has functionality like this build in use a bash do loop to iterate through hosts (sourced from text file or provided on commandline) include a df /home and redirect output into a text file.

Build and Git

1. What is maven and what would you use it for? 2. maven is a build tool primarly used for bulding java apps these days but it can be used to build C# ruby ect. It uses a dsl in xml files to contain build steps

1. What is Nexus and what would you use it for? similiar to artifactory. it's an artifact repo often used to place .war or similiar compiled binaries. often used as a repository for build steps in CI or deploying to production servers from thsi location 1. What is the difference between clang and gcc? they are both c and c++ code compilers. gcc has been around longer. clang provides better error messages. 1. In C++, what is the difference between static libraries and shared libraries? developer question. from the standpoint of build release, static is code brought in at compile time, shared are what is deployed to something like c:\system32 with dynamically linked libraries 1. Is there a way to manually edit the jenkins jobs configurations on a jenkins server? If so, how? if you ahve the right permissions, jenkins allows you to edit the job. if needing manual, there is a directory strucure provided and .xml files that can be modified. newer versions use groovy and can place these configs in SC which follows SDLC best practices 1. How do I add a remote branch in git? git checkout -b project <remote branch /project>

1. A developer has 20 local commits that you don't want polluting the commit log in remote when he pushes. Is it possible to combine the commits before he pushes? If so, how? squash

1. I need to check the python syntax on every git commit before it is pushed into the repository. How would I do that? precommit hook 1. The build has started breaking with commit 2b422. How would I find out who pushed this commit? git log <git commit id> 1. How do I add a new slave to jenkins? this was askeed earlier. add a new node. add ssh keys 1. What protocols are used to connect to git, and in your own words describe why you would prefer one over the other. ssh, https, git. prefer git because it handles compression

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